Salt Lake Valley's #1 Dental Implant Provider
Implant, Abutment, and Crown, just
or as low as $55/month with $0 down on approved credit
*excludes any necessary extractions and bone grafts
Why are dental implants the best option?

Partial denture / flipper
Bone will continue to deteriorate
Must remove when eating
Can fall out unexpectedly
May cause damage to other teeth in the mouth

Single tooth solution for single tooth problem
Protects the bone from deterioration
Permanent, doesn't have to be removed

2 healthy teeth damaged to replace 1 tooth
Prone to failure in the future
Bone will continue to deteriorate
Our Staff
Your Steps to Dental Implants
Step 1: Free Consultation
Everything begins with a free consultation. A consultation at Smile Clinic includes a free full mouth digital scan and intraoral examination so we can identify the health of your teeth and your jaw bone. After this our office can tell you if dental implants are right for you or if we recommend another treatment. Our doctor will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
The consultation will typically will last around 30 minutes and we’ll be able to calculate the exact cost before you leave, as well as help with insurance and arranging financing.

Step 2: Implant Placement
At the following appointment, the implant surgery will take place. This can be done with local anesthesia or you can choose to be sedated. After this surgery, the implant(s) will need to heal for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. We need you to let that implant rest so it can fuse to your bone through a process called osseointegration.
If your implant is in the esthetic zone (teeth that are seen when you smile) then you may receive a temporary partial denture so you can speak and smile confidently during your healing process.
Our dental lab will use scans of your teeth and/or pre-designed models to design your new crown (tooth).

Step 3: Final Restored Tooth
After the implant has healed, you are ready to receive your final zirconia crown. This tooth won't stain or get cavities and will be strong enough to eat all your favorite foods with. It doesn't have to be removed and will feel so natural in your mouth that you may even forget which tooth was replaced!

Though we offer many dental services, Smile Clinic specializes in implant dentistry. All Smile Clinic staff take great pride in creating beautiful, long-lasting smiles for our patients. We work with each patient individually, ensuring that they are getting the best care and treatment at the lowest cost for their specific needs. Our office staff is welcoming and happy to answer all your questions so you feel comfortable and confident with any treatment you might pursue.

BioHorizons Dental Implants
After placing tens of thousands of dental implants, our clinic knows the importance of using high quality implants and connections that provide stability and longevity. Our office uses BioHorizons dental implants. BioHorizons is one of the worldwide leaders in dental implant technology, and we can see the difference as we achieve incredible surgical success and implant longevity for our patients.
Although it may just look like a screw to the untrained eye, BioHorizons has spent millions of dollars in research and development creating the perfect implant, that integrates quickly and effectively to the bone, and eliminates weak points that are susceptible to breakage and failure. BioHorizons implants also carry a lifetime warranty.